What is Surrogacy?
Surrogacy, also known as gestational surrogacy, is a process in which a surrogate, or gestational carrier, carries and delivers a baby on behalf of parents. A surrogate is not genetically related to the child she carries, and becomes pregnant through in-vitro fertilization (IVF). The embryos used are genetically related to the parents a surrogate will carry for. Surrogacy is a complex process, and typically involves a surrogacy agency to facilitate each step in the journey.

Surrogate basic requirements
Surrogates go through a rigorous screening process including questions about your medical history and family. Below are the basic requirements to be a surrogate.
21-38 years old (or turning 21 soon).
Had at least one healthy, full-term pregnancy.
Currently raising at least one child in your home.
No history of smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, and mental disorders.
Have a body mass index (BMI) below 32.
US citizen or legal permanent resident.
Surrogate Compensation
As you decide to become a surrogate, an important part of your journey is understanding your compensation. Surrogates can make up to $85,000.
What a surrogate earns consists of a base compensation, bonus, and additional benefits like health insurance, recouping of lost wages, and support if put on bed rest.
Your total compensation will be influenced by several factors, including if you are a first time or experienced surrogate, and the state you reside in.
Take the first and determine how much you can earn as a surrogate with our online application.

Process to become a surrogate
Complete your application - You'll begin by completing our surrogate application. After your application is received and reviewed, if approved, one of our staff will reach out to you within 24 hours. Your medical records will be requested and reviewed.
Matching process - The matching process is one of the most exciting steps. You'll be meeting the intended parents you'll be helping! Most initial match meetings are done virtually. You can decide what types of intended parents you'd like to work with. We will find the best matched intended parents for you!
Medical screening & legal contract - Your medical screening will take place at the IVF clinic of your intended parents’ choice, and you'll be evaluated by the IVF doctor. This takes around 2 weeks to get results back. After you're medically cleared, you'll start the legal process with the intended parents.
Embryo transfer cycle - After your legal process is completed, you will start the embryo transfer cycle, which means you will begin your medications/injections. It usually takes around 3 weeks, then you will go to your IP's (Intended parents) IVF clinic for the embryo transfer.
Pregnancy - About 10 days after the embryo transfer, you will get the first pregnancy test. Then, confirmation of heartbeat in another 6–7 weeks. This is when Flying Stork Surrogacy considers you officially pregnant! You'll be released to your OBGYN around week-12 of pregnancy for your routine appointments. This stage can feel the longest, but it's a wonderful time to develop a relationship with your intended parents. Before you know it, delivery day will be here, and you'll witness your intended parents meeting their baby for the first time.